Web Design
It’s quite common for new WordPress users to have trouble finding the login URL for their website, you may have misplaced the information, or just straight up lost it!
So in this handy guide, we’ll show you how to easily find your WordPress login URL and keep it safe forever more!
The login page is your portal to the dashboard of your website, from here you can create new posts, edit pages, add new plugins, and make other customisations.
On an ordinary WordPress website, all you need to do is add /admin/ or /login/ to the end of your website URL.
For example:
These URL’s will usually take you to your login page, you’ll notice the WordPress logo, and some fields where you can enter your username and password. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be taken to the dashboard of your website.
p.s Replace ‘yoursite’ with your actual website! ?
If for some reason the above doesn’t work, then you can simply access the WordPress login page by going to this URL:
Sometimes you may have your website installed in a subdirectory. If this is the case, and you’re site’s installed in a folder such as /blog/, then you’d need to add your login path at the end of your site’s full URL like below:
If your WordPress install is on a sub-domain, such as blog. then you can access your login page like so:
Once you’re logged in, you’ll get directed to your dashboard, which is located in a folder called wp-admin. If you wish to, you can directly access the admin area of your site by entering the URL like so:
This address checks to see if you were previously logged in, and if your session is still active. If that’s the case you’ll be directed straight to the dashboard. If your session has expired, you’ll end up on the WordPress login screen again.
If you’re like me and your brain is already at max capacity, you may not want to have to remember those login URL’s. Fear not, the easiest way to make sure you never lose your address again is to simply bookmark it in your browser.
To bookmark you login URL:
Chrome – Go to Bookmarks > Bookmark This Page
Safari – Go to Books > Add Bookmark
Firefox – Go to Bookmarks > Bookmark This Page
Once saved, you’ll have a direct link in your bookmarks to login to your website without having to remember your login address ever again!
On your WordPress login page, you’ll notice there is a small checkbox labelled ‘Remember me’. When you tick this box (before you login), it will allow you to access the dashboard area without logging in again for a few days. This will depend on your cookie settings.
If you keep forgetting to tick the ‘Remember me’ option during login, then you can install the WordPress plugin Remember Me. It automatically ticks the remember me checkbox every time you log in to WordPress.
Hopefully, this page has helped you in some way! If you know of other cool tools to help do the job, then let us know below in the comments section.
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