Adding the LinkedIn Insight Tag using Google Tag Manager

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Jonny Pathan

Here at Watb, we’re big fans of Google Tag Manager, it allows us to drop in code snippets into our websites (amongst many other things) without having to change any HTML. As it keeps on gaining popularity, we thought we’d show you how to implement Linkedin’s Insight Tag via Google Tag Manager.

What you’ll need:

  1. Your Linkedin partner ID
  2. Google Tag Manager

How to add the Linkedin Insight tag using Google Tag Manger

This setup is really straightforward, so you shouldn’t have any issues along the way (hopefully).

1. Get hold of your Linkedin Partner ID by logging into your Ad account manager and heading over to Account Assets > Insight Tag

LinkedIn Insight Tag

From here you’ll see a code snippet which contains your ID, write down the 6 digit ID and put it to one side for later.

LinkedIn Insight Tag

2. Sign in to Google Tag Manager and click on your account, and then your container. We’re going to add a new tag at this stage, give the tag a decent name ‘LinkedIn Insights’ for example. Choose a tag type, and on the right-hand side, you’ll see LinkedIn Insight.

Google Tag Manager LinkedIn Insights

Once selected input your Partner ID from earlier, and then you’ll want to choose a trigger to make the new tag fire. We’ll be using All Pages as we want to fire on all pages (at this stage we’re assuming you are using Universal Analytics via Tag Manager, if not head over to Triggers and create a new page view trigger!)

Google Tag Manager LinkedIn Insights

3. Test it works! There are two ways we like to test our snippets are working. We’ll use the preview mode in GTM first, and then we’ll look at a Chrome extension called Ghostery. Turn on preview mode and then reload your website, you’ll get the split screen view as expected. You should see a tag being fired called whatever you named it above. As you can see below, the tag is being fired. That’s good. We’re going to go ahead and turn off the preview, and then publish our changes.

Tag Manager Preview

To be 100% sure it’s all working, we’re going to use a browser extension called Ghostery. Once you have the extension running, reload your webpage and check to see if LinkedIn is showing up on your Advertising tab, and also your Analytics tab.

Ghostery Chrome Extension

That’s it!

You should be good to go. Once your first LinkedIn conversion happens, you’ll see it logged on your LinkedIn Ad Manager dashboard.

This article Adding the LinkedIn Insight Tag using Google Tag Manager has been reviewed and verified by Jonny Pathan - Founder on Jun 27, 2019.

Last updated on Jan 22, 2019.